Lecture Topics
Day 1
- Do lab 4 part 1 on the board and give some background information on the UDK while going through
- Introduce UnrealScript
Day 2
- Do Lab 4 part 2 git resume on the screen, talk a bit about git, branches, remotes, and git checkout
- Talk about default properties
- Talk about Actor
- Talk about Actor lifecycle
- PostBeginPlay
- Tick
- Destroyed
- Talk about debugging functions
- `Log
- ScriptTrace
- GetScriptTrace
- Talk about GameType class
- Talk about some of the useful properties of the GameType class, such as:
- PlayerControllerClass
- HUDType
- DefaultPawnClass
- Introduce idea of Player Controller and Pawn
- Talk about UTGame class and MapPrefixes issue
- Talk about UTPlayerController class