Camera Basics

A camera in the most abstract sense is a perspective from which the world should be viewed. There are two types of cameras that could be set up:

  • Orthographic
  • Perspective

Orthographic Camera

This type of camera views a "flat" world, that is to say that the position objects in the image is not affected by the distance of the object from the camera. This is different from the way human beings view the world. It looks something like this:

Notice how the horizontal/vertical position of object details is not affected by the distance of the detail from the camera.

Perspective Camera

This type of camera is what we typically associate with a "normal" vision of the world. In contrast to above, it looks something like this:

Notice how the same details in the objects now deviate from the center of the screen based on their distance from the camera. We call this perspective correction and it is the basis of a perspective camera. This is the default camera used in the UDK.